Nos publications scientifiques


L’apprentissage Profond

Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio et Aaron Courville

Disponible sur Amazon, FNAC et Place des Libraires


Quelle transparence pour les algorithmes d’apprentissage machine ?

Dépôt HAL-01791021, 2018 – Accepté par la Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle. M. Pégny, I. Ibnouhsein

Detecting and modeling worst-case dependence structures between random inputs of computational reliability models

Dépôt HAL-01779484, 2018 – N. Benoumechiara, B. Michel, P. Saint-Pierre, N. Bousquet

An innovative solution for breast cancer textual big data analysis

arXiv:1712.02259, 2018 – N. Thiébaut, A. Simoulin, K. Neuberger, I. Ibnouhsein, N. Bousquet, N. Reix, S. Molière, C. Mathelin

Extreme events modeling in energy companies

Wiley StatsRef: Encyclopedia of Statistics, 2018 – N. Bousquet

High-throughput ovariance follicle counting by an innovative deep learning approach

C. Sonigo, S. Jankowski, O. Yoo, O. Trassard, N. Bousquet, M. Grynberg, I. Beau, N. Binart. Accepté par Scientific Reports

The Big Data Revolution for Breast Cancer Patients

Eur J Breast Health, 14:61-62, 2018 – I. Ibnouhsein, S. Jankowski, K. Neuberger, C. Mathelin


A novel machine learning-derived decision tree including uPA/PAI-1 for breast cancer care

N. Reix, M. Lodi, S. Jankowski, S. Molière, E. Luporsi;S. Leblanc, L. Scheer, I. Ibnouhsein, J.-C. Benabu, V. Gabriele, A. Guggiola, J.-M. Lessinger, M.-P. Chenard, F. Alpy, J.-P. Bellocq, K. Neuberger, C. Tomasetto, C. Mathelin. Accepté par Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medecine

Impact du dépistage : une expérience française

Mise à jour du Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français, 2017 – C. Mathelin, J. Colin, S. Molière, A. Fleury, C. Linck, M. Paté, C. Guldenfels, A. Simoulin, K. Neuberger, J. Jégu

Breast cancer in elderly women and altered clinico-pathological characteristics: a systematic review

Breast Cancer Res. Treat, 166(3): 657-668, 2017 – M. Lodi, L. Scheer, N. Reix, D. Heinz, AJ. Carin, N. Thiébaut, K. Neuberger, C. Tomasetto, C. Mathelin

Relevance of breast MRI in determining the size and focality of invasive breast cancer treated by mastectomy: a prospective study

World J. Sur. Oncol. 15:128, 2017 – AJ. Carin, S. Molière, V. Gabriele, M. Lodi, N. Thiébaut, K. Neuberger, C. Mathelin


A prospective study to assess the clinical utility of serum HER2 extracellular domain in breast cancer with HER2 overexpression

Breast Cancer Res Treat 160(2):249-259, 2016 – N. Reix, C. Malina, MP. Chenard, JP. Bellocq, S. Delpous, S. Molière, A. Sevrin, K. Neuberger, C. Tomasetto, C. Mathelin

Cancer du sein et Big Data : évolution ou révolution ?

Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité 44(7-8), 2016 – C. Mathelin, K. Neuberger, I. Ibnouhsein